Latest News

Track Schedule

BCS Track is under way, and you can check the school website for the schedule. Come out, and support the RAMS!

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Golf Schedule

BCS Golf is under way, and you can check the school website for the schedule. Come out, and support the RAMS!

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Field Day (K-5th)

Field Day (K-5th)

Are you ready for Field Day? Here's what you need to know:  Friday, May 1 • 9:30 AM - 1 PM (approximately) Southridge Campus Wear old play clothes, tennis shoes with...

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April Birthday Lunch

April Birthday Lunch

Tuesday, April 14 Parents of children who have birthdays this month are invited to join their child for lunch at the Birthday Table on Tuesday, April 14.  Parents may...

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BCS “Friends of the RAM” Luncheon

BCS “Friends of the RAM” Luncheon

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 • 12 - 1:15 PM • RAM Center RSVP Online Don't forget to get your tickets for the Friends of the RAM Luncheon! Come enjoy lunch on us and...

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World War II Symposium

World War II Symposium

BCS middle school held a WWII symposium on Friday, March 27.  While dressed as if this was the 1940's, students listened with interest to people who had experienced the...

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Moms in Prayer

Moms in Prayer

Wednesdays • 7:45 - 8:45 AM • Oakhurst Conference Room Just a reminder that Moms in Prayer meets each Wednesday at 7:45 AM. All are welcome! Join us as we cover Bible...

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Preschool lunches (April)

Preschool lunches (April)

Menus Snack & Lunch Menus The Bible Center Preschool program will provide a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack each day. Hot lunches are prepared each day...

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Home & School Connection (April)

Home & School Connection (April)

Working Together for School Success: A Monthly Newsletter Includes: Short Notes • Just for Fun • Q&A • Activity Corner • Parent to Parent • and More! Develop Strong...

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