A Note From Mr. Bacchus
Wow, what a great start to another school year. It is hard to believe that we are already more than half way through the first nine weeks. I am looking forward to a great year and seeing how our students grow and mature in Christ. I pray that you will come around us and continue to support BCS as we look forward to what plans are laid out for us. We have a lot of exciting things happening and it cannot be done without your help. So, come see what is going on, sit in during a PTFO meeting and learn what the plans are for this year.
PTFO Update
A big thank you to all of the BCS parents and grandparents who have answered the call to serve as our volunteers! Our August lunch and recess volunteers provided excellent coverage while sign-ups were conducted for a more permanent schedule, which began September 1st. Lunch volunteers enable our teachers to have a duty-free lunch and all slots have been filled! However, we are still seeking lunch duty substitutes. Additionally, 47% of our recess duty slots remain available, so please consider helping teachers monitor our students on the playground and in the RIM (on inclement weather days.) A lunch/recess duty board will be posted near the cafeteria, so please check the board for assignments, availability, and possible substitutes, should you need help covering your shift. If you would like to sign up for substitute lunch duty or recess duty, please contact Hallie Mason, PTFO Volunteer Coordinator, at halliewv@gmail.com.
The Teacher Appreciation Committee, led by Cindy Mulanax, Holly Bohman, and Courtney Mullet, is 32 members strong. This group helps organize activities to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them. The team has extended its work to include the preschool teachers this year. Our Welcome Committee is led by Bonnie Bailey to greet our new families and help prospective families know more about BCS. The BCS Development Team liaison is Stormy Lunsford. The PTFO is seeking a Coffee Fellowship leader and team members, so please contact Hallie Mason if you are willing to help.
Additional opportunities for volunteering include:
- Book Fair Committee to staff the fall and spring book fairs
- Events Committee to help Amy Williams set up for BCS events like Veterans’ Day, Kindergarten Graduation, etc.
- Art Volunteers to help Mrs. Ford display art, help with art class projects, and prepare for the ACSI Fine Arts Competition.
- Cross-Country Festival/5K Run – Mr. Whoolery needs volunteers to help put on the 2nd annual festival on October 1st.
Please contact Hallie Mason if you have any questions or can help with a committee! The next PTFO meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 4th at 7:45 am.
Cross Country Festival
The 2016 Cross Country season is underway. Bible Center will host its 2nd Annual Almost Heaven Cross Country Festival on Saturday October 1st at 8 am at our Southridge Campus. The meet will feature Middle School, High School and an open 5k trail race. Spread the word and come out and support our Cross Country Team. Anyone interested in volunteering should be at the church property at 7:30 am. Please join us!
Bus Driver Needed
Praise the Lord, our new BCS school bus has arrived and our daily bus route along Corridor G is in full force! The bus leaves BCS every morning at 6:20 am. BCS has launched a bus voucher program: 10 trips for $100–South on Route 119, and students who participate will receive a punch card to keep track of rides. On many mornings, Principal Bacchus has been driving the bus route himself, and we are currently in search of a bus driver to help. If you know anyone who may be interested, please contact the school office.
Washer/Dryer Needed
BCS is in need of a washer and dryer to wash RAM uniforms and towels in the gym. If you know of anyone willing to donate these items, please contact the school office.
Paint the Plow
This year BCS has been invited by the City of Charleston to participate in its Paint the Plow program. This program, which focuses on recycling and keeping the streets clean, allows six area schools to paint the City’s snow plows each year. Although this program has been used in various cities across the US, this is the first year the city of Charleston has participated in it. Our 7th & 8th grade girls will be painting the plow, which is sitting on the BCS front lawn, this week. Check it out!
Drama Program
For most of the 31 years that Mrs. Brown has been teaching at BCS, she has directed the drama program. Although it started out small, it has now blossomed to a preschool-8th grade program offering weekly instruction, performances and summer camp. This year, BCS has 119 students participating in the program. This past June, Mrs. Brown took a middle school student, Ava Anderson, to Salt Lake City to participate in Speech and Debate Nationals. This opportunity was a first for Mrs. Brown, a first for BCS, and a first for ANY West Virginia Middle School. Ava Anderson competed in four categories at Nationals and she achieved excellent scores! She “broke” the top 24 in the category of dramatic interpretation, proving her to be a top performer in the nation. Although the Nationals experience was a first for Coach Brown, she now knows the drama program is right on track with huge speech and debate programs in the other 49 states. She has also learned enough from the 2016 Nationals to be “dangerous” at the 2017 National Speech and Debate Tournament in Alabama this coming June, where she plans to take eight Middle School students to compete. She is looking forward to an exciting year with her drama students and she hopes to groom many future National performers for years to come!
Fish Tank
Some of you may have noticed our new fish tank located in the back hallway near the RIM. We are thankful for the funds that were donated to help us get this educational project up and running. BCS is partnering with Trout Unlimited to raise brown trout at our school. Our 4th and 5th graders have been given the responsibility of taking care of our fish tank, making sure that it stays clean and kept at a cool 51 degrees. One hundred eggs will be brought from the hatchery and approximately thirty trout are expected to hatch within the upcoming months. All the fish that we raise will be eventually be stocked into the Kanawha State Forest. Be sure to swing by the tank with your families and take a look!
A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped us demo the old school office so that we could begin construction on our new library! As this project continues, we will be in need of volunteers to help paint the library bookshelves and walls. We are also in great need to new library books. Hardback books are preferred. If you are able to help paint or donate books, please contact the school office. We truly appreciate all of our volunteers!
Water Fountain
Did you know that BCS recently purchased a new water fountain complete with a bottle filler? The students love it and it is already being put to good use – we have already filled over 600 bottles!
Accelerated Reader App
Parents, there is an APP that makes Accelerated Reader a breeze! “Book Scanner” is an easy app for kids to use to determine a book’s AR level, quiz number, and point value. The app requires your phone to focus on the ISBN number on the back of a book. It automatically pulls up all the AR information you need.
Ram Wear
BCS students are permitted to wear “Ram Wear” with uniform bottoms on the days that our Ram teams participate in games or meets. Ram Wear may also be worn on days that BCS students have field trips, if permitted by their teacher. If you have any questions about Ram Wear or would like to place an order, please contact Nancy Keefer. She submits a Ram Wear order each Monday.
$ Easy Cash Rewards Programs
In addition to our annual school-wide fundraisers, there are two additional (and easy) ways that each family can help earn extra funds to support BCS.
Kroger Community Rewards
Our latest quarterly report from Kroger shows that BCS earned $1,515.86 through the Kroger Community Rewards Fundraising Program between the months of June and August 2016 (with only 99 BCS families signed up). Imagine how much money BCS could earn if every family signed up! Once you register your Kroger Plus card for the rewards program online, BCS will receive a percentage of what you spend at Kroger each time. To link your Kroger Plus card specifically to BCS, sign in or create your account at https://www.kroger.com/communityrewards. Update your Community Rewards by clicking on your “Account Settings.” Search for Bible Center School, and select it to complete enrollment. Registering for the rewards program only takes a couple of minutes, and the rewards that our school can gain are amazing. Please note that if you are already signed up for the Kroger Rewards Program, you will receive an email notification from Kroger when it is time to renew your registration. You should also receive a renewal notice on the bottom of your Kroger receipts!
Box Tops
Did you know that BCS may earn up to $20,000 cash per year (beginning on March 2 of every year) from the Box Top Clip program? The Clip program is another easy way to earn extra money for BCS. We can use the money we earn for any school need – computers, books, playground equipment, etc. All you have do is simply clip Box Top coupons from hundreds of participating products found in your local grocery store and bring the Box Tops to your child’s teacher. Each Box Top earns $.10 for our school. The class that earns the most Box Tops at the end of the year receives a pizza party!
Upcoming Events
- OCT. 1 • Almost Heaven Cross-Country Festival • 8 am
- OCT. 3 • Home Soccer Game • 4:30 pm (vs. Grace Christian)
- OCT. 8 • Covered Bridge Cross Country Invitational (Cedar Lakes Conference Center)\
- OCT. 10 • Home Soccer Game • 6 pm (vs. Spencer Middle)
- OCT. 12 • End of 1st Quarter
- OCT. 13-15 • WVCAT Soccer Tournament (Away – TBA)
- OCT. 17 • Home Soccer Game 5:30 pm (vs. Poca)
Report Cards Come Home - OCT. 20 • Soccer Game 5 pm (Away – Braxton County)
- OCT. 21 • IS Day/Parent Conferences (NO SCHOOL)
- OCT. 24 • Soccer Game 5:30 pm (Away – Poca)
- OCT. 27/28 • ASCI Conference (NO SCHOOL)