Latest News
Summer Adventure Camp Now Enrolling
Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Spots are filling up quickly for Summer Adventure Camp June 2 through August 8! Limited spaces available on a first-come, first-served...
Spring Sports
Both golf and track are underway at BCS. You can check the school website for schedules. Come out, and support the RAMS! Golf Track
Tyson Project A+™
Our school is participating in the Tyson Project A+™ program, a fund-raising program sponsored by Tyson Foods, Inc. Through this program, we can raise up to $12,000 for...
Preschool lunches (Mar. 17-21)
March 17-21 • Download this week's menu (Menus do not include days off or any menu changes. Please contact your child's teacher with questions.) The Bible Center...
5th Annual Giving to Grow Gala
Play it Forward Friday, April 4, 2014 • 6:30 - 8:30 PM • BCS RAM Center Doors open at 5 PM for Silent Auction and Refreshments The Gala Speaker: Dr. Paul Dixon,...
Featured Business Partner: Kimble Management
Bible Center School would like to continue the focus on our Business Partners. Their contributions have been instrumental in providing much needed support for our...
Preschool lunches (Mar. 10-14)
March 10-14 • Download this week's menu (Menus do not include days off or any menu changes. Please contact your child's teacher with questions.) The Bible Center...
Spring Book Fair
March 17-21 Get ready for the Spring Book Fair! It will be available each day March 17-21. There's something for everyone, and it's a great way to support BCS!...
WVCAT Cheerleading Competition
Congratulations to the BCS Cheerleaders, who won 2nd place at the WVCAT Middle School Cheerleading Competition which was held on Saturday, February 22nd!