Latest News

When Inclement Weather Occurs…

When Inclement Weather Occurs…

School Closing Policy and Information Snow days are challenging for everyone! Bible Center has maintained a policy of closing its doors only when it is deemed necessary...

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January Newsletter

January Newsletter

BCS PTFO News Here is the latest newsletter. [gview file=""]

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January Birthday Lunch

January Birthday Lunch

Tuesday, January 12 Parents of children born in January are invited to join their child for lunch at the Birthday Table.  Parents may bring lunch (fast food, etc.) if...

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Use Your Kroger Card to Support BCS!

Use Your Kroger Card to Support BCS!

The Kroger Community Rewards® Fundraising Program for BCS is an easy way to support BCS each time you do your regular shopping! If you haven't signed up for the 2015-16...

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Preschool lunches (January)

Preschool lunches (January)

Menus Snack & Lunch Menus The Bible Center Preschool program will provide a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack each day. Hot lunches are prepared each day...

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter

BCS PTFO News Here is the latest newsletter. [gview file=""]

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Christmas Program

Christmas Program

Tuesday, December 15 • 7 PM • Southridge Campus "An Island Christmas" – A Kids' Musical about Giving Third through 5th grades will present a Christmas program...

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