Quality Care from Birth to Age 2

In early 2022, Bible Center’s preschool program will expand to include children from birth (6 weeks old) to 2 years old at Bible Center Church (100 Bible Center Drive, Charleston).

After decades of providing quality child care and early education for 3- to 4-year-olds, we believe that offering infant and toddler care will meet an existing need in our community. In a safe and clean environment, children can grow and flourish under the care of professional staff members who are passionate about coming alongside parents to help care for their little ones in the early years.


Bible Center Preschool is looking for team players who are passionate about building into future generations by caring for young children while inspiring a love for learning. Applications are currently being received for open positions.

To apply, complete the application here. Jane Jackson-Fowler, Director of Preschool Ministries, will follow up with applicants.

  • Lead Classroom Teachers
  • Classroom Aides
  • Classroom Floaters
  • Kitchen Cook


Enrollment for children will begin on December 6. As with our current high-quality school and preschool programs, birth to age 2 will also be designed for your child’s early learning and spiritual growth. To be notified of our opening date and future news, please subscribe to our email list.


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